Research – Pregnancy Weight Gain


Attitudes and Beliefs About Pregnancy Weight Gain

Currently, the majority of pregnant women gain more weight than is recommended by medical professionals during pregnancy. Gaining more weight than is recommended has been related to complications for the mother and baby, both during and after delivery. For example, pregnant women who gain more weight than is recommended are more likely to develop gestational diabetes and hypertension during pregnancy, are more likely to require cesareans or the use of forceps during delivery, and more likely to be unable to lose the weight gained after delivery. Concerns for the baby include increased risk of distress during and after delivery, low blood sugar levels shortly after delivery, and complications related to the baby breathing in fecal matter prior to delivery, as well as a longer term risk for childhood obesity. Given the health risks to both mother and child, it is surprising that the majority of women gain more weight than recommended during pregnancy. One possible explanation is that women tell themselves things, or think certain ways, that actually promote weight gain during pregnancy. Dr. Van Blyderveen, a psychologist with New Leaf Psychology Centre, along with associates and students at McMaster University, hope to learn more about the thoughts of pregnant women that may be contributing to excessive weight gain during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, follow the link below to participate in the study and complete their online survey. If you know someone who is pregnant, please pass this information along to them. Check back later for the results of this study.

Pregnancy Weight Gain Survey