Attitudes and Thoughts about Diet and Exercise
Over half of women, and nearly half of men, are unhappy with their bodies in some way. It is thus not surprising that many men and women have at some point been on a diet. However, most people who lose weight through dieting gain the weight back, and more, within a year of ending their diet. Thus, dieting is generally not recommended for the average person (unless necessary for medical reasons), and instead making gradual and sustainable changes to one’s lifestyle to eat more healthily and engage in moderate exercise is encouraged. When making healthy changes there are a number of variables that interfere with maintaining these changes. For example, there are often competing demands, such as kids, work, and the need for sleep. When faced with decisions as to what goals to prioritize, there are some attitudes and beliefs that may influence us to choose to prioritize other goals, rather than maintaining the healthy changes we have started. Dr. Van Blyderveen, a psychologist with New Leaf Psychology Centre, along with associates and students at McMaster University, hope to learn more about thoughts related to decisions about diet and exercise. If you are interested in participating in their research, follow the link below to complete on online survey. Check back later for the results of this study.